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The Dematerialization and Digitalization of Floorplans - Space Designer 3D

The Dematerialization and Digitalization of Floorplans

![](/data/sites/spacedesigner/images/blog/dematerialization/demater1.jpg) Floor plans are not only convenient, they are essential to creating a relationship with the space available in the project you are working on, whether it be your dream home or your office space. Seeing the flow between the different rooms, ensuring that the bathroom is situated far enough away from living areas, that the corridor space between cubicles is big enough to have a person walk through without being squished. Important elements. If we didn’t have floor plans, we would be building terrible, badly shaped things. Houses and buildings that wouldn’t last a year. Floor plans are lifesavers. Their job is to ensure that any and all challenges faced before construction are confronted with straight away, before the first brick is put down, before the first wall is teared down. You can play with walls, doors, several versions of a similar design and ensure that the choice you make is the most efficient one for the construction site you have or the home plan are redesigning. ![](/data/sites/spacedesigner/images/blog/dematerialization/demater2.jpg) You must start with a floor plan. It’s the basics. No floor plan, no construction. The world stops. Floor plans are essential, but they aren’t the be all and end all of construction. The drawing is much too small to handle all the necessary information that will ensure the project stands on its four walls. It is a concept, a starting point from which we can then develop more information with technical drawings, materials, measurements, and so on. We can all agree that floor plans are essential tools. But like all tools, they should be updated. We have been so focused on drawing floor plans with a pen, a paper and a ruler for so many years that the mere idea of digitizing the information seems blasphemous. However, we now live in the 21st century, and we need to give it up. Let the past die, leave your pens in your desk drawers. There is no real need for pen and paper. It’s a shame, perhaps, but it’s the movement we have taken, and it’s where we are headed. It is time that construction undergoes the digitization and digital transformation that most other businesses have gone through. We must move to a digital business model. The good news is, digitalizing floor plans is actually very simple. It’s reinventing yourself and your company in a digital form. It’s processing information faster, more precisely, therefore increasing the revenue and value produced by your company. It’s collaborating, filtering and searching for the information you need easily. ![](/data/sites/spacedesigner/images/blog/dematerialization/demater3.jpg) It’s building your own home and sharing floor plans that have not been stained by your coffee mug or destroyed by your dog. It’s being able to store more information in one floor plan and deciding what is relevant for you to visually see on that day. It’s never again forgetting your floor plan on your desk before a meeting on the other side of town. It’s knowing exactly what modification was made when, and throwing to the wind sentences like “is this the latest version of that project, or is it this one? I can’t remember”. The business process, once digitized, makes your expert advice more valuable because you are in with the times, on top of new technologies. It’s having it all, within reach, on your laptop, your tablet, your phone, your client’s connected tool. It’s freeing yourself from stress. It’s a liberating operating system. So really, isn’t it time to go digital?

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